Customer Supply chain Specialist

Проктър и Гембъл България ЕООД

Проктър и Гембъл България ЕООД

Проктър и Гембъл (P&G) е основана преди повече от 185 години като обикновена компания за сапуни и свещи в Синсинати, САЩ. Днес ние сме най-голямата компания за потребителски стоки в света и дом на емблематични, надеждни марки, които правят живота малко по-лесен по малки, но значими начини. P&G обслужва потребителите по целия свят с едно от най-силните портфолиа от надеждни, качествени и водещи марки, сред които Always®, Ambi Pur®, Ariel®, Bounty®, Charmin®, Crest®, Dawn®, Downy®, Fairy®, Febreze®, Gain®, Gillette®, Head & Shoulders®, Lenor®, Olay®, Oral-B®, Pampers®, Pantene®, SK-II®, Tide®, Vicks® и Whisper®. Нашите марки се ползват с доверие в милиони дневни, кухни, перални и бани - и се предават от поколение на поколение. Посетете, за да намерите най-новата информация за P&G и нейните марки.

Корпоративните традиции на Проктър и Гембъл са основани на принципите на честност и лоялност в отношенията, уважение към личността и избор с оглед на дългосрочната перспектива. Над 110 000 служители на Проктър и Гембъл работят ежедневно, за да осигурят на потребителите по цял свят продукти с високо качество и стойност.

Много хора мислят, че Проктър и Гембъл е компания, която се занимава единствено с дистрибуция, и се изненадват от огромните мащаби и задълбоченост на научния ни потенциал. Само за миналата година компанията инвестира над $1.9 млрд в научни изследвания и развитие в 19 технически центъра и близо 100 университета по света.

Ние присъстваме на българския пазар от повече от 30 години. От 2014 г. P&G България е част от клъстерния хъб в Югоизточна Европа, който обслужва 12 пазара и 60 млн. потребители. Стремим се да се развиваме заедно с местните общности, в които живеем и работим. Сътрудничим си с неправителствени организации и власти, за да подкрепяме местните общности с филантропия и КСО програми, насочени към подпомагане на нуждаещите се - дарения на продукти на Червения кръст, Pampers Preemies, зелени площи в училищата, част от кампанията ItsOurHome -Това е нашият дом.

Нашите отворени позиции може да намерите на по-долния линк и директно да кандидатствате:

Careers at Procter & Gamble


Ref №
Валидност на обявата
04.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
Вид работа
Постоянна работа
Вид заетост
Пълен работен ден

Job Description

Do you know which company is behind Ariel, Lenor, Pampers, Fairy, Gillette, Always, Head & Shoulders and many more? Do you want to join the company that is in the elite category of supply chain masters as voted by Gartner?

Read below and you will get a glimpse of what you will be exposed to!

The mission of the Supply Network Operations team in P&G is to transform consumer demand into a supply plan and deliver the products to the shelves so that right P&G products are at the right place at the right time - and at the right cost and are available to P&G Consumers. Our Supply Chain Analyst works within multi-functional teams, creating innovative solutions for the best in class Service.

We are currently recruiting for an Supply Chain Analyst located in our Sofia Office. Here are some examples of missions you could work on:

  • Quality order processing and execution
  • Accurate and timely billing - following up on order execution until product is delivered and unloaded in the customer warehouse
  • Daily interaction with sales organization and customers to maintain up to date and accurate master data
  • Tracking of customer satisfaction measures (Orders processed on time, Order Cycle Time)


Job Qualifications

What we offer you

  • Meaningful work as of Day1– you will feel the ownership of your projects from the beginning, while receiving specific responsibilities, coaching and individual training plan.
  • Competitive Salary & Perks that include Stock Plan, Private Medical plan, Dental and Glasses Allowance, Multisport Card
  • Continuous coaching & mentoring– you will work with passionate people and receive both formal training as well as day-to-day mentoring from your manager and peers.
  • Dynamic, diverse and respectful work environment – Bulgaria is part of the South East Europe cluster, comprised by 10 countries, our working environment is highly multicultural. Employees are at the center, hence we value and respect every individual, the background and strengths they bring to our organization.
  • We also support and encourage initiatives while promoting flexibility @ work. We offer hybrid work between office and home location and support families with programs like paternity leave #sharethecare

At Procter & Gamble, we are proud to say that we develop talents almost exclusively from within. This means we are hiring you with the expectation you will grow into one of our future leaders - maybe even our next CEO.

About us:

Who we are? P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a simple soap and candle company. Today, we’re the world’s largest consumer goods company and home to iconic, trusted brands that make life a little bit easier in small but meaningful ways. We’ve spanned three centuries thanks to three simple ideas: leadership, innovation, and citizenship. The insight, innovation and passion of hardworking teams has helped us grow into a global company that is governed responsibly and ethically, that is open and transparent, and that supports good causes and protects the environment. This is a place where you can be proud to work and do something that matters!

Ariel ® Lenor ® Pampers ® Gillette ® Fairy® Pantene® Head & Shoulders® OralB® Always® Naturella® Aussie® Blend-a-mend® Mr Proper®

Visit to know more.

Committed to providing equal opportunities in employment. We do not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, veteran status, HIV/AIDS status, or any other legally protected factor.



  • Recent Bachelor degree or Master degree graduate
  • Evidence of passion for success, positive approach towards challenges and changes and perseverance
  • Strong analytical thinking with the ability to collaborate
  • Very good speaking and written command of the English & Bulgarian language
Подходяща за специалности
Вид договор
Трудов договор
Ниво в йерархията
  • Експерти | Специалисти
Необходими документи
Автобиография (CV)
За контакт
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