Thermal System design engineer
Ние инвестираме в хората и новите технологии и създаваме бъдещето днес! Сред основните цели пред TESY е да бъде предпочитан работодател не само в България, а и на международно ниво. За реализацията на този стремеж е изработена корпоративна стратегия и инвестиционна програма, която да изпълни намеренията на компанията, свързани с утвърждаване на практики и политики, които да са с фокус върху управлението на човешките ресурси. Част от тези мерки са свързани с инвестиции в младите хора като се подпомага тяхното кариерно ориентиране и успешен старт в кариерата. | |
Описание |
За TESY Вярваме, че топлината е основен фактор в човешкия живот. TESY фокусира дългогодишен опит, иновации и плам, за да предложи уреди за отопление и топла вода. Всяка година TESY отваря своите врати, за да посрещне млади и амбициозни хора. Целта ни е да Ви предоставим възможност за практически опит по специалностите, които учите. Нашите ментори ще Ви въведат в дебрите на професионалния свят и ще Ви дадат възможност да реализирате научената теория в практиката.
We believe warmth is a key of life, thus TESY has focused its desire, drive and innovation to offer the best heating and water heating appliances.
For more than 30 years TESY has been one of the most innovative and leading companies in the production of electric water heaters and electrical heating appliances in Europe. TESY has presence in over 65 countries, 4 continents and it has more than 1000 dedicated and motivated employees around the world.
The drive to give more to our clients has been of paramount importance for the company and a constant value in our dynamic development. TESY has contributed to the heating industry not only in Bulgaria, but on a global scale with a number of patented solutions adding useful product quality, durability and efficiency benefits to the end customers.
We pride ourselves of being a fastly developing and a growing company, with the aim to become one of the major producers of electric water heaters, electric heating appliances, indirectly heated water tanks and heat pump water heaters in Europe.
In order to continue our mission and due to great expanding, we are looking for a motivated and dedicated person to work at the position of a
Thermal System design engineer
- Lead the design, development, and optimization of condensing units for heat pump systems that comply to European directives and standards.
- Perform thermodynamic analysis to improve system efficiency and performance.
- Participate in performance testing according to the active European standards and validation in laboratory and field conditions.
- Collaborate with mechanical, electrical, and homologation engineers to ensure seamless system integration.
- Support the transition from prototype development to mass production.
- Maintain detailed technical documentation, specifications, and reports.
- Education:
- University degree in Thermal Engineering, Energy Engineering or a related field
- Strong foundation in thermodynamics, heat transfer, and refrigeration cycles
- Experience in:
- thermodynamic modeling and simulation tools
- designing and optimizing heating or cooling systems
- Language: Excellent knowledge of English language both written and spoken
- Computer skills: Experience in computer added design (SolidWorks) is considered a strong advantage
Join the team of TESY and in return you will be provided with:
- Excellent working conditions and competitive remuneration
- Opportunities to participate in training and qualification programs
- A management team that promotes professional development, personal growth and cross-team interaction
- Opportunity to gain experience and career development in a large and established company
If you are inspired by the opportunity to join us and believe that the position fits your professional development, please send us your CV at
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality.
- Енергомашиностроителен Факултет, направление: Топлинна и хладилна техника
- Експерти | Специалисти
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